Conversion Module (Item# A-14)
This Module works with the Main Module (A-01). It has the following features:
You can select
any records by clicking on the map, or through query.
You can select
one record, or you can select all records in your system.
It converts the
codes in your selected records into English descriptions.
- It lists out the converted records. You may print them
out, or save them as a file to be exported to other software.
- After
records have been converted to English, subsequent query results on the
converted records will also be in English. For example, a query is performed
to produce a report that contains collision types in column one and number
of crashes in column two. If the query uses the converted records, the
resulting report will list each collision type in English descriptions in
column one. On the other hand, if the query is performed using the original
crash records, the resulting report will list each collision type in codes
in column one. Since you can perform an unlimited number of queries, you can
produce an unlimited number of reports, each with English descriptions.