Traffic Volume Module (Item# A-04)

AIMS can handle many types of traffic volume data: 24-hour, turning movement, vehicle classification, pedestrian, intersection, mid-block, etc. If you are using a database to manage traffic volume data, we will customize AIMS to use and interpret your existing data, hence you do not need to change your system or data. To input the data, you only need to save them in a file, click a button in the system, then specify a file name. The system will automatically read and input the data into the system. The data may be saved as a file in any of the following formats: ASCII (TXT), XLS (Excel) or MDB (Access). You may use your existing system or AIMS to maintain/update your data.

If your volume data are not in electronic form, we can develop a database and data input system for you (at additional cost).

Once the volume data are in the system, you can manage them the same way as the accident data. That is, you can:


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