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Google Earth Inferface Module (Item# A-18)



·         AIMS can interface with Google Inc.’s Google Earth. Since Google Earth includes aerial photograph, it facilitates relating accident occurrence to the surrounding environment.

·         When you click a button in AIMS, AIMS will execute Google Earth and will display the 3-dimensional plot or collision diagram on Google Earth’s aerial photograph.

·         Once it is displayed inside Google Earth, it becomes Google Earth’s layer. You can use Google Earth’s capabilities for further processing and manipulation, such as clicking a symbol to display its descriptions, zooming-in and -out, modifying, saving, emailing, adding placemark, adding path, etc. 

·         If you have the AIMS Main Module, AIMS will display the intersection and mid-block accidents in 3 dimensions in Google Earth as shown in Figures A-18A and A-18B.

·         If you have the AIMS Collision Diagram Roadway Layout Module, AIMS will display the collision diagram in Google Earth as shown in Figures A-18C and A-18D.

·         When you click on a plotted symbol, it will display the location, date, day of the week, time, collision type, severity, etc. of the accident associated with the symbol.

·         You can display hundreds of accident locations in Google Earth similar to Figures A-18A and A-18B.

·         You can display collision diagrams for up to a hundred locations (intersections, mid-blocks and corridors) in Google Earth similar to Figures A-18C and A-18D.


Figure A-18A: Google Earth Interface Sample Output – Displaying intersection and mid-block accidents, where “I” or red symbols = intersection accidents, “M” or blue symbols = mid-block accidents; accidents occurred at the same location are stacked on top of one another, creating a 3-dimensional view.  



Figure A-18B: Google Earth Interface Sample Output – Displaying accident types, where “A” = angle, “F” = fixed-object, “H” = head-on, “L” = left-turn, “O” = other, “R” = rear-end, “S” = side-swipe, etc. ; accidents occurred at the same location are stacked on top of one another, creating a 3-dimensional view. 



Figure A-18C: Google Earth Interface Sample Output – Displaying collision diagrams for one or more intersections and mid-blocks at the same time. 



Figure A-18D: Google Earth Interface Sample Output – Same as Figure A-18C, but zoom-in more to an intersection.



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Copyright © 2023, JMW Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved. Protected by U.S. Patent 6104410