How We Customize For You
We customize AIMS to use your existing data and map (customization cost is included in the price). We also put your data into the system, if your data is in electronic form.
Upon receiving your order, we will ask you to provide one or more of the following information:
Sample accident data
ASCII (TXT), dBASE (DBF), Access (MDB), Excel (XLS) or XML
We prefer Access or dBASE format, because it tells more of your data structure. For ASCII, please use “,” (or comma) as delimiter.
If the sample data you send us are real data, we will put them into the
system. When you receive the final product, you will be able to use them
immediately. You will be able to add new data without going back to us.
2. A list of field names, and data type and data length of each field
This is to understand your data structure. For relational database, provide table names, field names for each table, data type and length for each field, and each table’s key field for linking the tables.
3. Coding definitions
This is to interpret your data. You may provide a blank police accident report form if the form contains the codes and meanings.
GIS map file(s) for your jurisdiction (when ordering Main Module, Item A-01)
a. What is the projection or coordination system?
e.g. longitude/latitude, US State Plane Coordinate System (1983, feet), Universal Transverse Mercator (NAD 83), etc.
b. What is the coordinate unit?
e.g. degree, mile, meter, feet, etc.
c. What is the distance unit?
e.g. feet, inch, mile, meter, kilometer, etc.
If you do not have a GIS map, we will purchase one for you (costs $500 to $1000 per county, or $2000 to $4000 per state in USA).
Sample scanned accident report images (when ordering Accident Report
Image Module, Item A-11)
Provide one (1) to 50,000 scanned files in any of the following formats:
We prefer TIFF format because it can
save multiple pages of the same report in 1 file.
Based on the above information, we will customize AIMS to use and interpret your data. When finished, we will put the software and data in a CD, along with user’s manual for delivery.
Advantages to you:
1. We program AIMS to fit your data. You
rarely need to change your data
structure, format and coding definition.
2. You can provide all information through email, fax or mail, therefore no
need to waste time and cost in meetings and discussions.
We have customized AIMS for over 40 agencies. We are experienced and
technically competent.
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